Friday, 6 December 2019


Why do you need a "How to" for this? The current version 1. Go to the download section of the ProjectLibre website ProjectLibre - download and click the "download" button which appears in the middle of the screen. Now go back to your terminal window again and type "sudo alien" followed by a space. We've just shifted the focus of your terminal window from your "home" folder to your "rpm-to-deb" folder. Your terminal window is now full of text telling you what has just been done. projectlibre debian

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Step-by-step - ProjectLibre Debian Stretch Installation Guide - Tutorial for Linux

Wolfmann has already posted an article with a link to the information you need Wolfmann article. Well Planner is good as far as drbian goes, but despite their being a Windoze version it is not really cross platform. Click the "download" button.

I'm guessing that there's no "deb" package because of the license incompatibility. We've done this because it makes using "Alien" easier.

We've just shifted the focus of your terminal window from your "home" folder to your "rpm-to-deb" folder. Then use Caja to navigate to the Downloads folder. You will have problems running the Windoze version we have tried this at my place of work without reaching deebian "usable" result and that's when the Redmond fan club will give up on it.

However, a program called "Alien" provides a simple way to convert rpm packages to deb packages that works for some but not all rpm packages, fortunately it works for the ProjectLibre rpm.

See wikipedia ProjectLibre and the ProjectLibre website. This is the package that Alien has just produced for you. Now we will add the path of the "rpm-to-deb" folder.

What is the future of cross-distribution software installation? It intends to be a complete desktop replacement for Microsoft Project. I do not know which variation of the Ubuntu-Mate desktop you are using, so I must generalise - if you can make projectkibre link from the applications-menu onto the proectlibre so that you have one link to start Projectlibre you should be projeftlibre to drag-and-drop the link onto the dock.

Why do you want to install ProjectLibre in the first place?

projectlibre debian

Move the "rpm" package to your "rpm-to-deb" folder. This has been a bit long. Of course using a program such as ProjectLibre does make things easier.

projectlibre debian

I'm going to show you how to use Alien to make the conversion. Tips, Tutorials and Guides Index. Debian uses the "deb" package system, which is incompatible with "rpm" packages which come from the Red Hat Linux branch of the Linux family. Now projectlibrre back to your terminal window again and type "sudo alien" followed by a space.

File listing for project ProjectLibre - Project Management

Select the file "projectlibre Also Planner can do the simpler things, but ProjectLibre goes much further. I recommend ProjectLibre as your first choice project management software for Linux. Go to the download section of the ProjectLibre website ProjectLibre - download and click the "download" button which appears in the middle of the screen.

I'm not trying to be rude to anyone here, but the fact remains that just because you have a program that doesn't mean that you know what it is used for. I haven't been able to add it to the dock as a Favorite. Ubuntu-Mate is an Ubuntu derivative, and Ubuntu is a derivative of Debian. Dot com, yes you will be asked for money, however, you can take out a subscription for just a single month.

Alien is a commandline tool, but don't worry it really is easy - just one or two simple steps, nothing to worry about. After the course you will have a very clear idea as to what you want to use ProjectLibre for.

You will now be asked for your password. Go to your "rpm-to-deb" folder.

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