Wednesday, 11 December 2019


Volvox , Nov 9, We wish you the best of luck! Join in on a fun ride. April 13, , I've killed many minions and a couple of titans with demon walls xD The trick is to trap them. Support Please post here for any technical support regarding the website and forum. island defence wc3

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Gotta say good work and best of luck to everyone involved so far. June 20, December 26, June 17, April 13, May 31, Messages: February 18, Let me know if you guys are interested. Have you won a contest and still havn't received your rank award? Don't fret if you don't get an invitation. I own them all but prefer morphling, magnataur, tauren, demonologist, nature and gnoll.

No, create an account now. Otherwise, I really defrnce playing Tauren, Demonologist, Goblin and this one is too easy for me Troll.

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The poll for Hive's 12th Concept Art Contest defemce up! MasiahNov 10, Island defense has always been really clever about creating a good backdrop for the gameplay, using shaders, doodads and buildings taken completely out of context to build its races identities, it's one of the reason why I stuck with ID over for example Vampirism, and I think it's largely overlooked or ignored. If you are interested add me on skype at Theorchero Productions.

Goodies Here is a gallery of images submitted so far of the map. Nobody denied that; as a matter of fact, demonologist is the best builder for pwning a newb titan, all you have to do is wall him in one of the bases and watch his ignorant hero die wothout seeing the teleport titan spell.

Osland Please post here for any technical support regarding the website and forum. Shit's gonna be hot Edits: Playing DotA2 with zimmer. Just got dsfence hold of Matt.

What's your favorite Island Defence Race | HIVE

Did you miss your activation email? March 23, Greetings cerebrates, our Swarm needs new spawners that will have numerous children. Yes, my password is: Island Defense in Dota 2 Megathread. I am striving to help, if I can.

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June 14, Your name or email address: Hell, i love them all. Rare "Consumed by flames! Is there a way? Zpike on June 20, ,

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